Cosplayer Feature
Cosplayer Feature: Ryo Nagasaki
Ryo is a Japanese cosplayer from Osaka with a deep love for tokusatsu. He is well-known in the tokusatsu community for his amazing suits and collaborations with other cosplayers.
What got you interested into cosplay?
I was a graphic designer as well as a manga artist. And then I began to put together characters I loved as well as the works of fiction that caught my attention into a single cosplay.
When and how did you discover tokusatsu?
Japanese Boys and girls are introduced to heroes on TV. Every Sunday, I was no exception.
Can you walk us through your process in creating a cosplay?
My methods? I use FRP, Lion Boards, as well as glue and paints, and of course some love.
If you could cosplay any character, who would it be?
What is your favorite tokusatsu series and why?
Kamen Rider Ryuki. It was hard to watch fellow riders kill each other on Sunday mornings at 8am as a child. I love the Heisei Rider series though.
What’s the funniest experience you’ve had while cosplaying?
When more than 50 cosplayers who loved tokusatsu gathered. Just trying to to pose them all into a photo was really difficult.
What advice would you give to yourself when you first started?
To get yourself some abs.
Where can we find your work?
You can find my work on Instagram and on my website at
Do you have any cosplays you’re currently working on that you’d like to share?
I’m currently revising the quality of my Kamen Rider #3