TokuNet Podcast #15 – A Very Spooky Halloween
Join Team TokuNet around the fire pit as they share scary tales of Tokusatsu past!
Recorded: October 24th, 2015
The TokuNet Podcast celebrates the spoooooky holiday as they share their most inner fears…except for Nick, he may be superhuman. They also talk about their favorite scary episodes/movies in Tokusatsu. Let us know what your favorite scary moment in Tokusatsu is in the comments below!
- K.D. Komiyama – @killadelfo
- Jorge Salas – @aoikurenaiTN
- Nick Bush – @RoboBreakfast
- Kevin Bruner
Podcast Editor: Jacob Kile – @indigojonesQT
Intro & Outro Music: Son of a Rocket by Kevin Macleod at incompetech