S.H.Figuarts Dragranzer Announced by Tamashii Nations
The S.H.Figuarts Ryuki line has been quiet for a while, but a new addition has emerged from Tamashii Web, S.H.Figuarts Dragranzer.
The Dragranzer is the form Dragredder takes once Ryuki transforms into Ryuki Survive. What makes Dragranzer special compared to other Contract Monsters is its ability to transform from a monster to Ryuki Survive’s own motorcycle.
Just like the Dragranzer from the series, the S.H.Figuarts version is fully capable of transformation from motorcycle mode to an incredibly detailed monster mode. The only accessory listed for release with Dragranzer is a seat cover, presumably to cover up that portion of the toy in dragon mode.
For fans late to the game who haven’t been able to find the now rare S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Ryuki Survive, Tamashii Web has you covered yet again because alongside this release is a Kamen Rider Ryuki Survive & Dragranzer Set.
As the name suggests, the set includes the aforementioned Dragranzer, as well Ryuki Survive, and all the original accessories included with that figure. These include 13 additional hands for Ryuki Survive, two additional hands for Ryuki, the Dragvisor Zwei, connection parts for the Dragvisor Zwei, an extended blade for the Dragvizor Zwei, eight Advent Cards, and an exclusive Tamashii Stage.
The individual release of the Dragranzer costs ¥11,880 before shipping and fees while the Ryuki Survive and Dragranzer two pack will cost ¥16,200 before shipping and fees. Both figures are now available for pre-order from your favorite store or middleman service and will ship from Tamashii Web in April, 2016.
Source: Tamashii Web Shop (Dragranzer), Tamashii Web Shop (Set)
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