SDCC 2015 Dino Charge Panel – Fall Trailer and Return Date Announced
The San Diego Comic Con 2015 Power Rangers panel has shown an all new trailer and return date for the remaining episodes of Power Rangers Dino Charge.
The Power Rangers Dino Charge panel was held at San Diego Comic Con 2015 on Thursday, July 09th. Andre Meadows, BlackNerdComedy himself moderated the panel consisting of Brennan Mejia (Tyler), James Davies (Chase), Yoshi Sudarso (Koda), Michael Taber (Riley), Camille Hyde (Shelby), and Claire Blackwelder (Kendall).
During the panel, the Rangers answered questions and told stories about their background as well as how they went to audition for the show. Yoshi’s story was particularly interesting, having went from fan to stuntman to an actual Power Ranger. Towards the end, Executive Producer Chip Lynn joined the panel.
Lynn stated that he set out to make Dino Charge the best season of Power Rangers yet, promising that episodes of Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge will become your top favorite episodes. Lynn also said that many fans are stating that the writers “forgot” certain story elements or plot points from Kyoryuger. He teased that while we may think they forgot something, they certainly did not and to, of course, stay tuned.
The panel concluded with a newly corrected version of the Power Rangers Dino Super Charge promo previously shown at 2015’s Licensing Expo, fixing the error that showed the Graphite Ranger during the Silver Ranger’s place in the promo. But above all else, they closed out the show with an all-new promo for the remaining episodes of Power Rangers Dino Charge set for this Fall.
The promo shows some all-new Dino Charge exclusive footage of our villains, the Purple Ranger, the Graphite Ranger, and our current cast of characters. The promo also shows off upcoming Zords and Megazord formations, showing an impressive Megazord cockpit featuring eight Rangers in the all-new Dino Charge exclusive mode known as Dino Drive. The promo also gave us Dino Charge‘s return date: August 29th, 2015 at 12pm EST, only on Nickelodeon.
Finally, as a treat for the fans and a sneak peek at what’s to come in Power Rangers Dino Super Charge, five suit actors came out for photo ops dressed as an upgraded form of Dino Drive that will make its debut in the new season in 2016 featuring newly designed helmets and armor.
You can check out the Power Rangers Dino Super Charge marketing trailer and the Power Rangers Dino Charge fall trailer below, thanks to our good friends at RangerCrew.
Source: RangerCrew (prsamuraicast), @PowerRangers Twitter