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Next Time on Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Shinobi 22
Yakumo and Kinji must challenge themselves in Shinobi 22 of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Super Combination! HaOhShurikenJin!
Shinobi 22: Super Combination! HaOhShurikenJin!
Written by Kento Shimoyama
Directed by Yojiro Nakazawa
Tetsunosuke Saika has created a new NinShuriken to further bring out LionHaOh’s power. The Ninningers try defeating some Gashadokuro with ShurikenJin Drago and Bison King but they cannot combine with LionHaOh. The reason, according to Yoshitaka, seems to lie with Kinji and Yakumo. In order to catch up to the OtomoNin’s power, just like Takaharu did, they try using the Zettai Shobu Changer but…
Meanwhile, youkai Nurikabe appears and brings people to dispair by creating “walls in life”. Yakumo and Kinji receive his attack and, in front of them, a big wall labeled “Takaharu” appears. Will they be able to overcome this?!
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