Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode 1 & 2 Episode Guides
This week’s Japanese TV Guide provided episode summaries of the first two episodes of the next Sentai series, Shuriken Sentai Ninninger.
The episode guides are as follows:
Ep 1. “Shuriken Sentai Starts” (temporary title) – February 15th
Takaharu returns to his hometown when a horde of ashigaru (“foot soldiers”; a specific type of soldier under the employ of the samurai class from feudal Japan) attack. Takaharu, who feels deep admiration for his grandfather Kouten, the Last Ninja, transforms into AkaNinger. His younger sister Fuka and cousins Nagi, Yakumo, and Kasumi appear as well.Ep 2. “Ninja Dojo Brought Back” (temporary title) – February 22nd
The five heroes start their ninjutsu training, however, Takaharu confronts Yakumo, who had been studying at a school of Magic.
All English translations are accredited to The Tokusatsu Network staff members. Please do not repost without crediting and directly linking back to the original Tokusatsu Network article.

Ble Lat
January 28, 2015 at 4:39 am
Will there be a gold Ninninger? Because if there will be and it happens to be a male, he will be my favorite character.