Kamen Rider Drive x Gaim: Full Throttle Synopsis Revealed
A magazine scan from this month’s Figure-Oh has released a synopsis for the upcoming crossover movie taisen: Kamen Rider Drive x Gaim Movie War 2015: Full Throttle.
The Kamen Rider crossover movie, set for a winter release winter, has already been announced and now the synopsis has been released. The movie will be divided into three segments: the Gaim chapter, the Drive chapter, and the Movie War chapter.
The Gaim chapter begins on the planet Kōta and Mai reside. Suddenly, a mysterious enemy appears. Then, heads for their friends back in Zawame City. What is the enemies’ plan to release the curse of the Overlords and Helheim? This being has even driven Kōta, who has become an existence like-God. Find out how the series continues after the events of the last episode.
In the Drive chapter of the movie, a legendary thief, the Special Unit, and Drive are locked in a showdown. How does the Drive Driver (Mr. Belt) fit in to all of this?
Source: Figure-Oh November Issue
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